Language learningLearn Chinese

Don’t miss these mobile apps while learning mandarin

I would recommend the below mobile applications for translating and writing the Chinese words and can be used offline too. Please be noted that I am recommending these apps because I already used and benefitted by these apps while I was learning Chinese.

Both of the mobile apps have Chinese to English and vice versa

  1. Pleco : The app has basic version which is free and you can use this app for translating the words. There is premium version where you can have the option for voice , stroke order and also translation by taking the picture of the script. Personally I love this app and my Chinese till date is just because of this app.

It has got many value adding add-ons like optical character identification, full screen writing, flash card system.

Visit and download the app at The #1 Chinese dictionary app for iOS and Android

2. Dictionary 字: I started using this app recently and found very useful. The featured are same like Pleco but this app have many more learning resources.

Visit and download the app at Home Written Chinese

The app has the writing option which shows the animation of how to write the word

It has got many value adding add-ons like optical character identification, full screen writing, flash card system.

Optical Character recognition is very helpful tool , you can just hover over a Chinese language text and you can get the PinYin and the meaning of the word.

3. HSK Chinese proficiency test 

This app contains all HSK related vocabulary with Pinyin and audio for 1 ~ 6 levels. One can start with level 1 and slowly master one by one level. If interested to try some tests, you can also attempt HSK tests which I will discuss in another article.

Some more decent apps are as below 

  1. 10,000 Mandarin Chinese – this app contains around 10,000 most practical and authentic audio sentences that are widely used in daily communication in China. This also has premium version app which unlocks and helps you a higher level Chinese.
  2. TrainChinese app – its another Pleco kind of dictionary where you can create flash cards and learn in four ways – reading, writing, listening and translation. Your flash cards will be synchronised with the website and can be used for practice and organise them well.
  3. Mandarin Dictionary – this app is basically a dictionary app with book mark options, translator, phrase book, flash cards and various other options.

If any suggestions or questions, Don’t hesitate to message me on any of the below social media sites ,I would answer you soon.

Twitter – @umkev 

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Instagram – @umkev 

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