Drones overall will be more impactful than I think people recognize, in positive ways to help society. – Bill Gates
Today visited an exhibition Shenzhen International UAV Expo 2018 ( June 22nd till June 24th ) which was held in Shenzhen Convention and exhibition centre displayed various kinds of Drones. Before talking about drones, let us analyse the below situations first which can give a direct indication of how drones are impacting our daily lives.
1. Replacing a firefighter – When there is a fire in a tall building, a drone can save fire fighter’s life by reaching the fire and extinguishing the fire more effectively. Drones replace the firefighting ladders, even can reach relatively more heights where humans can’t reach and effectively spray water to the target. This video can give a right sense of this application – Click here
2. Replacing a Soldier – During combat against terrorism, terrorist attacks on civilian, the drone can reach near to the terrorists which will give the exact situation inside the hostage building or terrorist sites and help the soldiers to plan their attack strategy. Drones can even fire at terrorists if required. This helps

to save soldiers lives and effectively improve the combat against terrorism. This application even can be extended to Military attacks, Police operations, land and underwater surveillance at borders. This video can give a right sense of this application – Click here
3. Replacing agriculture equipment – Manual spraying of fertilizers can be related by drones spraying. The drone controller can be set for the farm limits and can control the spray speeds. These drones can even sense the terrain and adjust the spray heights to maximise the spraying accuracy. This video can give a right sense of this application – Click here
4. Replacing a courier service – Drones are now replacing product delivery applications where the courier packages can be delivered automatically from the courier hub to the delivery address using the GPS within minutes of placing an order in your favourite E-commerce website. This improves the productivity by many folds. A startup named Flirtey succeeded in this idea, this video gives more details on how a drone can be used in product delivery – Click here
5. #Dronephotography – This hashtag is the hottest tag nowadays on Instagram and other social media websites. Using a drone, one can take pictures which a normal human cannot even think of clicking. Awesome panoramic views, landscapes can be shot using a drone. Interestingly drones can even help you take a selfie with more ease now. Check out this video of one drone which I came across which can take a selfie – Click here
6. Drone as personal transportation – Future of drone technology is to transforming the personal transportation. Already prototypes been made and are under testing by various organizations. Drone Ambulance is another form of transportation to transport patients in emergency cases. This video can give a right sense of this application – Click here
Nowadays the concept of unmanned ariel vehicle been extended to driverless cars and domestic robots for household applications.
Highlights of the drones I came across today in the exhibition
Brands Hyuan, AEE, Feifan, HighGreat, Huiming Jie, Innovpower, MagicSky, CCIA, Intercity UAV displayed their drones for various applications. The applications include Military, Surveillance, Police, Firefighting. CCIA displayed its Drone with 16 rotors fire extinguishers Anti terrorism drone and Amphibious rescue UAV. Intercity UAV displayed its drone which can fly at a max altitude of 4500m at a max speed of 25kmph. Intercity UAV’s CJM 5080 drone has a payload of 90 kgs, flight altitude of 6000m and a maximum speed of 165kmph.
What is a Drone or UAV ?
Unmanned Arial vehicle, commonly known as Drone is an aircraft without a human pilot aboard. The Unmanned aircraft system includes a UAV, a ground-based control system and a system of communication between two.
The UAV has four motors which give a lift when rotated at a specific speed. The motor speed and also the drone piloting controller by an electronic controller by the human user on the ground.
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Note: The article is totally my own thoughts and not necessarily anyone needs to agree with my thoughts and ideas.