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India in 2018

Wishing India and the World a very Happy, Prosperous & Successful New Year 2018 – Murali from India 

On the occasion of the New year in India, Delhi’s India Gate & Connaught place, Kolkata’s Park street, Hyderabad to Mumbai, people celebrated the start of India with fireworks, parties and prayers. Recap of 2017 includes a major break though with a big leap to 30 position in World banks ease in doing business report, India sent 31 satellites including 29 from other countries through PSLV C-38 successfully, India’s biggest tax reform GST was launched, Metro train services in Lucknow, Hyderabad, High speed train services got inaugurated. More importantly Indian people did patiently pass the Demonetisation period for sake of India’s growth and demolition of black money.

On the last day of 2017, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday reached out to youngsters who would soon become eligible to vote, calling them “New Indian Voters” as he addressed those born in the 21st century in his radio address on the year’s last day. Keeping politics aside, this could be an inspiring aspect that a new drive of voters who could be ambassadors to democracy, shape India and its future.

On this occasion of moving to a new year 2018, Lets discuss some more future developments which India may see this new year.

India’s GDP & Business prospects in 2018

India is no more like this.
India is no more like this.

According to Japanese financial services major Nomura’s Composite Leading Index (CLI), Indian economy is expected to witness sharp recovery in the January-March quarter and its GDP growth likely to be around 7.5 per cent for 2018

Ground breaking startups can be in the main stage of Indian startup eco-system in the field of new energy systems like solar power harvesting, wearable tech, health care, agriculture & farming category. New technologies like robotics, drones and driverless cars are going to take the centre stage of Indian technology. The technology like Drones has a great value adding potential to the society but still India don’t have right regulations which is creating a confusion for entrepreneurs. I really hope 2018 got a tip for this and help this business grow.

Smart cities development

With 100 cities selected for smart city mission, in which 20 “ light house cities” selected to start off this mission for next three years and 2018 is expected to be a big time to see these developments and hoping to see these cities more smarter than they currently are with revolutionized waste management, recycling waste to raw material , heat and gas, launching “Green transportation”, complete replacement of conventional automobiles to pure electric vehicles by 2030, electric vehicle charging stations. In addition, smart homes are future of real estate business with a total connectivity solutions with your home which gives a more security and safety.

Make in India

India’s famous Make-in-India campaign expected to grow bigger than it is now by giving opportunities to foreign companies & Indian entrepreneurs to invest in India and make India a hub for mass manufacturing for various industries like electric vehicles, Renewable energy, Aviation, Bio-technology, Power generation and many more. In my personal view as India is gearing up for electric vehicles drive, we need to have the know how & know why for Li-ion battery, R&D in Power electronics applications, Mass manufacturing of rare earth magnets ( NdFeB , In depth R&D in Electric drive trains and in-house manufacturing ability, Rapid prototyping capabilities, Skill development organizations to train people to suit them for above listed technology skills, revising education system with more practical approach of teaching instead the existing teaching methods.

I personally think a lot of positive changes going to happen in India in terms of growth and industry. Any case lets not keep fingers crossed and see what is going to happen! Lets act as an individual what ever we can do to value add the growth.

Once again ” Wishing India and the World a very Happy, Prosperous & Successful New Year 2018 ” 


Economic times – Click here 

Make in India website – Click here

If any suggestions or questions, Don’t hesitate to message me on any of the below social media sites ,I would answer you soon.

Twitter – @umkev 

Facebook – @murali.today

Instagram – @umkev 

Note: The article is totally my own thoughts and not necessarily any one need to agree to my thoughts and ideas.

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