Learn Chinese vocabulary – HSK level 1 (4/150) – 你们 – You (plural)
Today let us learn你们 (Nǐmen) which is very important to address a group of persons before you while talking to them.
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Introduction / Pronunciation / Stroke order
你们 have two characters你(Nǐ) + 们 (men )
你 (Nǐ) : you ( informal way of addressing a person ).
The character has a third tone and has 7 strokes

们 (men ) : Plural marker of pronouns and nouns referring to individuals
The two radicals
The character has a neutral tone and has 5 strokes as shown below

The below picture gives a better way of understanding this character – just visualize a person entering to a door or a gate.

Picture source: https://dictionary.writtenchinese.com/worddetail/men/129/1/1
Typing你们(Nǐ) using PINYIN “Nǐmen” in mobile phone
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Example sentences

You are now following the Chinese language learning series – ” Learn one word at a time“, where one post is dedicated to teaching one word at a time with all related details in the sense – PinYin / Character level meanings/usage in sentences, writing pattern for each character. First series would be HSK level 1 series which has 150 words to learn.
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Note: The article is totally my own thoughts and not necessarily anyone needs to agree with my thoughts and ideas