Thank you for your interest in learning Chinese from my blog.
Please make sure before you start, kindly understand the basics of PinYin and tones first and then start this series. Also go through these references periodically to explore the Chinese language.
我们 (Wǒmen) – 2/ 150 HSK Level 1 Vocabulary
The below YouTube video gives you a overall details of the word, along with its PinYin, how to write and the link for the pdf below the video. You can download the pdf and take the print out to do the exercise. Remember to Practice! Practice! Practice!
Meaning: We/ Us / Ourselves / Our
Pronunciation and Stroke order :
我 (wǒ) is pronounced using the third tone. This tone has a falling-rising quality

们 (men ) is a neutral tone


Don’t worry about other words in the below sentences but it is suggested to learn other words simultaneously which will help you build vocabulary
How to e-write this character using mobile phone:
Please make sure you downloaded Written Chinese or Pleco first before trying this. Based on my experience, I suggest the beginner must start with an electronic way of writing the characters. Basically using dictionary apps and practice until you learn and identify the word. The below video shows on how to type Chinese language PinYin. For more videos like this, subscribe to my YouTube channel – Click here
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Recomended books for learning Chinese language
If any suggestions or questions, you are welcome to contact me on murali(at)murali(dot)today Don’t hesitate to message me on any of the below social media sites, I would answer you soon.
Note: The article is totally my own thoughts and not necessarily anyone needs to agree with my thoughts and ideas.